How do I clean my Louis Vuitton shoes?

Not all high fashion shopping is worth the money. Sometimes you will be disappointed – and to be honest, it was this situation that cooled my willingness to continue buying from the Louis Vuitton brand.

Unfortunately – our brain is biologically programmed to remember bad situations, not the good ones.

In the past this guaranteed our survival. And today? Well, it makes us take offense at the brand after one bad situation and we go elsewhere.

Check these shoes out for yourself. Looking like a skateboarding classic, straight from the 90s, they were supposed to be the perfect solution for the sneaker styling. Unfortunately, the first washing of the shoes with soap verified these noble plans.

The logotype was dyed on the white surface, which turned out to be an irreversible situation.

I understand a cashmere sweater or a hand-woven dress – these have the right to be very gentle to cleaning – but SHOES?

Should I walk on my hands when I put them on?

Other archlight shoes are made of a similar material.

The fact is that I also have a problem to clean them – and since it’s embarrassing to walk in dirty white shoes – I don’t wear them at all. Unfortunately, this purchase is not worth recommending.

Or maybe you can tell me how to clean the shoes made of such material?