FAKE NOT collection

Large, expressive inscriptions have been found in designers for several years now, when logomania is still popular.
But … a large inscription ‘NOT FAKE’ ? We haven’t seen that yet.

And that’s what I appreciate Gucci for – its unconventional approach and the distance to the matter of clothes, which is – let’s face it – not the most important aspect of our times.

Of course, it can be just my opinion but that’s how I see them.

They consistently mark their presence in the fashion world. Quite often with a pinch of salt, a bit between the absurd and the kitsch. But always perfectly made with the attention paid to every detail.

Placing the inscription on the under peak is a brilliant trick. Insta stories shot from below? You will surely get the fashionist effect.

The Balenciaga shoes you have already seen on this blog are to complement the look. I still like those shoes a lot!