Big shoes – the fashion continues

As I wrote in the previous posts, the fashion for big shoes did not spare me.

I reached the point that when going to the mountains or paragliding, I decided to choose the Balenciaga. Is this already a diagnosed fashion victim? Please, no judgments!

Apart from having an excuse for a good style, I decided to take up a test. To what extent sports shoes that have revolutionized the global footwear industry – after all, „big” shoes are available almost everywhere – have not lost their sporting function?

The mountains. Switzerland. The views break everything that they can break. We are going on a day trip where we will climb and go down quite steep slopes. All day on your feet, the route plan includes a few roller coasters. So if something starts to rub after 2 or 3 hours, you will have to bravely keep going until the sunset. Don’t let me down, Balenciaga.

We did a total of 20 km. Without a slightest sore.

The fact is, big boots are not the most comfortable to go down on steep gravel – it’s worth tying them tight – but they defend themselves in the end.

A plus for Balenciaga for transforming the category of „snickers” into „big snickers”, they managed to maintain the sports functionality.