Mannei – it looks like (and costs) a fortune.

Mannei is a brand created by Sarah Boruc Mannei. I like her style. It’s an elegant minimal, a bit dark, in the Paris style of Givenchy or the Italian Bottega.

Sara takes care about the quality – Sinbymannei’s customers know it – the jewellery that has been doing great on the Polish market for several years.

However, the price of a sheepskin coat nearly killed me. It is a lot of money, especially for a brand that is just starting. As we know, it is ‘easier’ to spend such an amount in a fashion house with a 100 years of tradition.

And yet – this coat didn’t want to give up – it followed me for a while, so I finally did some research (a friend had been selling leather coats for years) and I now know that such coats can cost that much. I hope that Fate will allow me not to stain it with grease, so that my children, when I have them, could also wear it.

Until now, I’ve had such an approach only when it comes to buying handbags. Congratulations to Sarah! On creating things that the customer wants to pass on to the next generation, because he understands its value and knows that it will never become unfashionable.